Due to the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone across the UK our Aviaries and part of the lakes area are closed.

We do NOT have this virus at Raystede. We are still open and welcome visitors to the rest of the site.

Corporate Partnerships & Philanthropy

We love corporate partnerships!

Our corporate partners are vital in supporting our work to give animals the happy lives they deserve. Becoming one of our partners can bring huge benefits to your business and employees.

What will your company gain from a partnership with Raystede?

  • Positive PR, employee engagement and boosted morale.
  • A dedicated fundraiser throughout the partnership to help with events, and more!
  • We’ll supply you with branded fundraising materials and help promote your events.
  • We can provide volunteering opportunities, drop-in sessions, and host a talk or Raystede tour to help motivate your employees to get involved.
  • A dedicated team volunteering day at Raystede.

Your organisation can support our work through:

  • Strategic partnership
  • Brand partnership
  • Employee engagement
  • Gifts in kind

What will your company gain from a partnership with Raystede?

  • Positive PR, employee engagement and boosted morale.
  • A dedicated fundraiser throughout the partnership to help with events, and more!
  • We’ll supply you with branded fundraising materials and help promote your events.
  • We can provide volunteering opportunities, drop-in sessions, and host a talk or Raystede tour to help motivate your employees to get involved.
  • A dedicated team volunteering day at Raystede.

Your organisation can support our work through:

  • Strategic partnership
  • Brand partnership
  • Employee engagement
  • Gifts in kind

Become a corporate partner.

We would love to create a partnership that benefits you and supports the animals in our care.

Or call us on 01825 840252 or email partnerships@raystede.org

Meet some of our corporate partners

Uckfield Chamber of Commerce

We recently welcomed the Uckfield Chamber of Commerce to Raystede for a breakfast meeting.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable event with delicious food kindly provided by The Wealden Kitchen. It was great to meet so many people from the local business community including both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Uckfield.

As well as talks from a number of informative speakers, guests also learnt more about our work from Matt Gough, Head of Operations here at Raystede as well as meeting some of our animals too while on a tour of the site.

We really value the support from local business partnerships as it can make a lasting difference to the lives of the animals in our care.

Uckfield Chamber of Commerce

We recently welcomed the Uckfield Chamber of Commerce to Raystede for a breakfast meeting.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable event with delicious food kindly provided by The Wealden Kitchen. It was great to meet so many people from the local business community including both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Uckfield.

As well as talks from a number of informative speakers, guests also learnt more about our work from Matt Gough, Head of Operations here at Raystede as well as meeting some of our animals too while on a tour of the site.

We really value the support from local business partnerships as it can make a lasting difference to the lives of the animals in our care.


"At Brufords, we are extremely proud of relationships with several local charities and organisations including the Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare. Earlier this week, we welcomed in-store Mikayla Bernstein from Raystede, presenting our donation to her personally, we hope this will help them to continue their wonderful work.

Contributing towards the centre’s educational programme, our donation will be used to run 2 family learning days, which take place twice a week during the school holidays. On these days, where general visitor numbers are reduced to avoid stress to the animals, visitors can enjoy a range of activities based on themes which reflect current animal welfare issues, including learning trail, crafts, a film show, and animal care talk.

With no government funding, Raystede rely entirely on donations, and with a cost of approximately £2.5 million to provide their services, we are delighted to support this incredible cause."

Your support helps animals like Mags

Mags arrived at Raystede in poor condition, suffering with chronic laminitis (inflammation and damage to the tissue of his hooves) severely impacting his ability to move. Mags spent around four weeks not being able to leave the stable, with Styrofoam pads taped to all four feet to increase comfort.

Five months later, thanks to your kind donations and the expert care our Equine Team, Mags is the picture of health, he is worm and lice free, and most importantly he isn’t in pain.

We couldn't help animals like Mags without your incredible support.
