Due to the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone across the UK our Aviaries and part of the lakes area are closed.

We do NOT have this virus at Raystede. We are still open and welcome visitors to the rest of the site.


Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare recognises that to deliver its strategic aims, objectives and priorities successfully, it needs sound governance arrangements in place. Governance is founded on laws, policies, processes, systems and behaviours and together they provide a system for the way in which an organisation is directed, administered and controlled.

The Charity’s governance framework is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees and sets out the roles, responsibilities and procedures for the effective and efficient conduct of its business. It is reviewed on an annual basis so that we remain at the forefront of best practice.

An introduction to the current members of our Board can be viewed at the bottom of the page here.

To view Raystede's Coronvirus risk assessment policy please download the document here.

Your support helps animals like Mags

Mags arrived at Raystede in poor condition, suffering with chronic laminitis (inflammation and damage to the tissue of his hooves) severely impacting his ability to move. Mags spent around four weeks not being able to leave the stable, with Styrofoam pads taped to all four feet to increase comfort.

Five months later, thanks to your kind donations and the expert care our Equine Team, Mags is the picture of health, he is worm and lice free, and most importantly he isn’t in pain.

We couldn't help animals like Mags without your incredible support.
