Raystede Rangers online challenge

Take on the challenge to become an online Raystede Ranger with games, puzzles, make and do activities and much more

Click on a symbol below and choose an activity to find out what you need to do for a happy, healthy pet

Your support helps animals like Mags

Mags arrived at Raystede in a state of neglect, suffering with chronic laminitis (inflammation and damage to the tissue of his hooves) severely impacting his ability to move. Mags spent around four weeks not being able to leave the stable, with Styrofoam pads taped to all four feet to increase comfort.

Five months later, thanks to your kind donations and the expert care our Equine Team, Mags is the picture of health, he is worm and lice free, and most importantly he isn’t in pain.

We couldn't help animals like Mags without your incredible support.
