Due to the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone across the UK our Aviaries and part of the lakes area are closed.

We do NOT have this virus at Raystede. We are still open and welcome visitors to the rest of the site.

Break Away - emergency fostering

Break Away is the animal fostering service run by Raystede, focussing on helping people who are fleeing domestic abuse or facing short-term hospitalisation and can’t take their animals with them.

Animals who join Break Away will be matched with one of our wonderful foster families and they will stay in the foster carer’s home for the duration of their time with us. Animals on Break Away will be provided with any veterinary care they need, including neutering and vaccinations where appropriate.

Once the owner is in a position to have their animals back, we will arrange for their animals to be returned to them.

We are able to assist with a variety of animal types (not just dogs and cats), and cover East Sussex, West Sussex, and Kent. Break Away is run by an all-female team and all cases are handled confidentially.

Our ability to help is entirely dependent on the availability of our foster carers and as we are a small organisation, we can only help a limited number of animals at any one time. If we don’t have any available foster carers and your animal isn’t able to join Break Away, we will suggest alternative organisations to contact.

If you have any questions about Break Away or require fostering for your animal(s), please give us a call on 01825 880468, please leave a message if we are unavailable and we will call you back. Alternatively, please email rehoming@raystede.org.

If Break Away is unable to help, we advise contacting the Links Group, who may be able to offer further support.

We are always looking for more foster carers to look after animals joining Break Away, if you are interested in finding out more about becoming a foster carer, please take a look at our fostering webpage.


What are the requirements to join Break Away?

Break Away focusses on people who are fleeing domestic abuse or facing short-term hospitalisation. If you need fostering for another reason, please give us a call on 01825 880468 to discuss your individual circumstances. We cover East Sussex, West Sussex, and Kent.

Will I get to see my animal whilst they are in foster?

I’m afraid this isn’t possible. To maintain confidentiality owners and foster carers aren’t able to meet up. It would also be confusing for your animal to see you for such a short time. We are able to update you on what your animal is getting up to and can send photos and videos of their time in foster.

What does it cost?

Break Away is free to join, we accept any donations towards your animals’ care as this will help us keep the scheme running and allow us to care for more animals in the future. We will suggest set donations for things like neutering and vaccinations.

My animal isn’t neutered and/or vaccinated, can I still join?

Yes, we don’t require animals to be neutered or vaccinated before they join Break Away. We will discuss neutering/vaccinating your animal whilst they are in our care if this the best thing for their welfare.

What happens if I’m not ready to have my animal back after 3 months?

We understand that finding housing that accepts animals can be extremely challenging and that it often takes longer than 3 months. If, after 3 months, you haven’t been able to find suitable housing, we have several options which we can discuss with you.

I don’t drive, can you collect my animal?

Yes, we can collect your animal. If you move out of our catchment area and need your animal dropping off, we can discuss options for this.

I’m being evicted/in housing crisis, can my animal(s) join Break Away?

Sadly, we aren’t able to provide animal fostering in these circumstances. Our Rehoming Team can discuss other options, including giving up your animal(s) for rehoming if this is the best option for you and your animal(s).

Your support helps animals like Mags

Mags arrived at Raystede in poor condition, suffering with chronic laminitis (inflammation and damage to the tissue of his hooves) severely impacting his ability to move. Mags spent around four weeks not being able to leave the stable, with Styrofoam pads taped to all four feet to increase comfort.

Five months later, thanks to your kind donations and the expert care our Equine Team, Mags is the picture of health, he is worm and lice free, and most importantly he isn’t in pain.

We couldn't help animals like Mags without your incredible support.


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